
1st Anniversary Beauty Podcast Special

Ep 61: The Lotus, Imperfections and the Science Behind Flawed Beauty This is part of the beauty podcast series on neuroaesthetics based on Dr. Teo Wan Lin’s white paper on the brain-skin connection “On thoughts, emotions, facial expressions and aging” published in the Feb 2021 issue of the International Journal of Dermatology¹. This podcast episode…


Neuroaesthetics: How the Brain Perceives Beauty

Ep 60: Divine Beauty.. or not? On the Neuroaesthetic Pathway, Body Dysmorphophobia and Brain Plasticity Society’s god-like objectification of beauty may inherently be a flawed concept. This weekend’s podcast focuses on Dr. Teo Wan Lin’s research in the field of neuroaesthetics, a sequel to the previous podcast on the role of evolutionary psychology in beauty…


Aesthetic Beauty: Standards, Stereotypes & Evolutionary Psychology

Ep 59: On Halloween, Mortality & the Art of Expression In this weekend’s podcast, Dr. Teo Wan Lin shares her research exploring the concept of psychology affecting human faces and perception of aesthetic beauty – via facial expressions influenced by thought and emotion. Evolutionary psychology shows that our own mental biases of beauty are also…


Perceptions of Beauty

Ep 57: Judging Beauty- Arbitrary, Unsustainable or Outright Dangerous? View this post on Instagram A post shared by Teo Wan Lin 张婉琳 (@drteowanlin) This week’s podcast is all about evolving beauty standards. Cultural and psychological factors have shaped our past perceptions of beauty. Dr. Teo Wan Lin tackles interesting perspectives as surreal as beauty being…


Dermatologist Talks: On Hair, Beauty and Drag

Ep39: (Un)Conscious Beauty with Drag Queen Dermatologist, Victoria Wondersnatch Dr.Teo: Hello guys, this is Dr. Teo Wan Lin, and welcome to a special episode of Science of Beauty where I’ll be chatting with the beautiful Victoria Wondersnatch, a drag queen in Singapore who also happens to be a hair loss dermatologist and a clinician scientist.…


Changing Beauty Standards? Sara Malakul Lane Leads the Way with Kindness

Ep 21: Changing Beauty Standards? Kindness is the Way In this episode, Dr. Teo Wan Lin chats with Sara Malakul Lane, the supermodel-turned actress who is featured in Conscious Beauty- a coffee table book that chronicles different perspectives on beauty. From being in front of the camera from an early age as a top model…